Please Click Here to view our 2022-2023 Pupil Premium Strategy

The Pupil Premium is additional funding for schools to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils of all abilities and to close the gaps between them and their peers. This dedicated team works to ensure Pupil Premium students can access the curriculum, as well as, if not better than their non-pupil premium counterparts. Nationally, there is an attainment gap between Pupil Premium and Non-Pupil Premium students, and we have a range of methods and support to help reduce this gap.

A full outline of the spending, strategy, and full outline of costings; with impact data, can be found in our 2022-2023 Pupil Premium Strategy document, linked at the top of the page. 

Contextual targets for BBS Pupil Premium students

  1. Continue to win the hearts, minds, and trust of BBS PP community
  2. Ensure that all PP students get access to Quality First Teaching in the classroom
  3. Ensure that all PP students have the intervention they require to meet gaps in their knowledge
  4. Ensure that PP students have the appropriate aspirations for when they leave BBS


We measure our impact of spend in two ways: Progress, attainment, attendance, reading ages, etc.

  • Progress 8 for PP against national figures
  • Progress measures for all student in all year groups
  • Attainment of 9-5 in English and Maths
  • Attendance against national figures
  • Persistent absence against national figures
  • Reading age against chronological age
  • NEET data

Pastoral development, health and well-being, and parental engagement.

  • Analysis of Free School Meal uptake
  • Punctuality
  • Phase 2 and 3 behaviour data
  • Fixed term exclusions
  • Student and parental voice
  • Attendance at parent evenings and other parent events
  • Percentage of PP students receiving school awards and recognition
  • Number of PP students accessing extra-curricular trips and clubs

Pupil Premium Information
Pupil Premium students have specific members of staff within school to support their respective small school, alongside a TA specifically appointed to work with Pupil Premium students. A Lead Learning Mentor has been appointed to oversee the academic and pastoral progress of all Pupil Premium students.

Their roles have been designed solely to support Pupil Premium students and promote them across the school. They work in class as well as behind the scenes to ensure Pupil Premium students are brought to the fore at Burton Borough School. 

A full outline of their roles can be found in our 2022-2023 Pupil Premium Strategy document, linked at the top of the page. 

Students who are entitled to Free School Meals also qualify for Pupil Premium. If you believe that your child qualifies for Free School Meals, please pick up a form from reception or visit