On behalf of the Governors at Burton Borough School, I welcome this opportunity to briefly introduce you to the work the Governing Board undertakes to ensure that the children who attend our school receive a relevant and exciting education.

Our governors are representatives of the local community; parents, school staff and the local authority.  They bring a range of interests, knowledge and skills to the school whilst working in a voluntary capacity.

The Governing Board has a range of powers and duties laid down by parliament.  In the main, these responsibilities relate to:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.
  • Holding leaders to account for the educational performance of the school and its students, and the performance management of staff.
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its resources are well used.

In order to carry out these functions we meet regularly, both as a whole group and smaller committees which are responsible for specific areas.  We visit school regularly to meet staff and students and at key points in the year we hold discussions with and receive presentations from subject leaders and the senior leadership team. Throughout the year there are frequent and ongoing conversations with the Principal.

The Ofsted report published this year (2022) highlighted that the governing board ‘understand their roles well’ and ‘carry out their statutory duties effectively’. However, we have noted that we have much more to do in terms of ‘understanding the views of parents/carers and students.  With the addition of a number of new members to the Governing Board in 2023 our engagement with parents and students will be a focus of our attention. Governors are already attending parent/carer forums, are visible in school during the school day and working on student forums and mentoring programmes. Governors will attend parents’/carers’ evenings throughout the year and look forward to meeting with you.

The full governing body meet once each term to consider business items, fulfil statutory duties and to approve and scrutinise the school improvement plan.

Three further Committees meetings are held each term. The first a Business and Finance Committee that reviews the management and use of school resources. The second a Curriculum and Performance Committee that looks at how the school plans and delivers its curriculum and the progress of all its students. Finally, a Culture, Community and Inclusion Committee focusses on safeguarding, community engagement, special needs, behaviour and attendance.

Should you wish to contact Governors at any time you can do so through Sue Wycherley (bbs.clerk@taw.org.uk) the Clerk to the Governors who is based in the school office.

John Sullivan

Chair of Governors


List of School Governors 2024-25

  Governor Name Governor Role Term Of Office Area of Responsibility Business Interest Other Schools Governed Relationships with staff/members of the governing body
  Mr M Armstrong-Barnes Co-opted 31/12/2027   None None None
  Mrs C Bedford Principal N/A       None
  Mrs V Deakin Parent 19/02/2027       None
  Mrs P Fletcher Staff 22/03/2026   None None


  Mrs A Jones Parent 23/01/2007 Personal development (including careers)     None
  Mr S Scollay Co-opted 31/08/2023 Safeguarding & Well-being None None None
  Mr E Sullivan Co-opted 26/12/2026

Community engagement, including transition.

Health & Safety

  Mr J Sullivan Co-opted 05/12/2025 Quality of education None None Governor


The current Register of Business Interests for our Governors can be found here.

The register of attendance at meetings and the current constitution can be found here.

Chair of Governors Contact Address:

FAO Chair of Governors
Burton Borough School
Audley Avenue
TF10 7DS

Alternatively, you can email to the Clerk to the Governors: bbs.clerk@taw.org.uk

Last Years Governors // Governors' Forum